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St. Petersburg Child Support Attorney
Child support is a legal duty paid by both parents. The amount of child support that the one parent pays to the other parent is determined by the Florida Child Support Guidelines. There is a formula that is used to calculate the amount of child support to be paid by both the parents. The child(ren) have the right to be supported by both parents. It is important that the proper numbers are input so that the correct child support is obtained.

Child support is a legal duty paid by both parents. The child support is not for the personal use of the receiving parent. It is the child(ren)'s money and is to be used for their use only. The parents that are involved in the divorce/paternity action do not have the right to waive child support.

When calculating the proper child support amounts there are a number of factors to consider that affects the child support that is actually Ordered by the court. Some of those issues are: the amount of overnights that each parent has the child(ren); The financial needs of the child(ren) such as day care expenses, medical/dental insurance, uninsured medical payments, the income of both parents.

One of the main issues to consider in regards to child support is the amount of overnights that the non-custodial parent has the child(ren) in his/her custody. If the non-custodial parent has forty percent or more of the overnights during the course of the year (146 overnights) then the guidelines are calculated differently and a reduction of the non-custodial parents obligation. It is important to secure a timesharing schedule with your child(ren) that is as close to a fifty percent number of overnights as possible.
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